
VFI – German Importers/
Verband der Fertigwarenimporteure (VFI) Deutschland e.V.

Original MRUK® is an active member of German Importers, the Association of Finished Goods Importers. (VFI). Founded in 1962, VFI is the professional association of companies located mainly in EU member states that import semi-finished and/or finished products of the commercial sector or are affiliated with importers as service providers.

Since 2018, the Hamburg-based VFI has been operating as German Importers. Topics related to customs and tariffs, anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures, sustainability, Reach, digitalization, block chain and much more concerning the import of non-food products are the focus of the association's work. VFI focuses on European and global trade policy, economic policy, health policy, development policy and consumer protection that regulate or facilitate trade in finished goods.

Find out more about VFI - German Importers here: 

Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Körperschutzimporteure GbR (AGKI)

Original MRUK® has been a member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Körperschutzimporteure (AGKI) in Germany since its foundation in 1994. The AGKI, based in Preußisch-Oldendorf, is an association of eleven companies from Germany that specialize in the import of body protection products.

The aim of the working group is to support its members in meeting the constantly increasing requirements with regard to environmental issues, regulations, standards, EU trade policy and more. AGKI's tasks are to collect and process information as well as to coordinate and promote the industry-specific interests of its members and to represent them vis-à-vis politicians and the public.

You can find out more about AGKI here: